Wednesday, December 28, 2011


I have a few blogs in progress: One reviewing the year: the good, the bad, the TRAVEL! (I know, I barely wrote about that and there was so much. Eek!!) - including the part where I went to NYC and on a whim saw a psychic in Chelsea (and another in Times Square), which I meant to write about a long while back - as suggested by my mother (and that may just be a copied chat --- why not?), but until then (progressing blogs to fruition), just now, in a moment alone, quiet, with everyone in bed (it's 2:24am and I'm back home for the holiday): My sisters, my brother in law, my parents and my three wonderful nieces (2.5 yr. and twins 5 mo.), I had a thought about the year in review:

I ran away from everything I didn't want. And towards everything I ever wanted.

And then a few more:

Never broken, but badly bruised.

I weeded out those who didn't matter, or mattered worse. Coveted those who held me up when I needed support. And gathered more, new fantastic characters who fill only that second category (reciprocated when I'm needed, of course). I am lucky to be so loved.

We are never given more than we can handle. And even when it feels like the weight of the world is on our shoulders, minds and, most suffocating, our hearts, it's only once we come out of if that we realize that aching hearts gain strength with struggle with strife and troubled minds mend with wisdom and time. If my 20s have taught me anything, it is definitely that "what doesn't kill us, makes us stronger" isn't just something that people say. And I have never been quite so certain of who I am (becoming) and the power that knowledge possesses.

I never need to be more than just exactly who I am - and who I want to be. And carry myself and my energy as such. Anything beyond that is my choice. And that choice - those choices - must be something really wonderful and rather fulfilling to have a place and purpose here.

I hated this year. From the start, I couldn't wait for it to be over. But it is now and I happy for that, but I'm also happy for the friends, wisdom, strength and composure I have gained through - and because - of it.

Time for Chapter 12. Be gentle. Please.

Monday, December 12, 2011


It was a whirlwind weekend. Fast and frantic and surprises and friends and amazing.

Exhausting. I could sleep for days and still be tired.

But Monday was okay. Waking up was effortless and pleasant. Monday at 8am was my favorite part.

Because you were there.

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

'The Anti Cover Letter'

A few months ago when I was heavily considering moving to Nashville, a friend of mine asked a quick questions about cover letters in the middle of my contemplation on what on earth I really want to do when I grow up. I didn't have a short answer. And between my self-searching and her cover letter inquiries, I accidentally wrote what I have come to deem as the 'anti cover letter', with which I seem to be not very alone. In our 20s, I think everyone expects everyone else to have it together when we're still trying to find our way - yet suddenly armed with the knowledge of what we want and what we don't want, what we are good at and where we can improve - but still unwise enough to determine our own specifics. Not that I think I can ever use what I wrote, but the ideas were thought-provoking to me nonetheless; and what emerged from them is as follows:

Dear ----,Often I find myself reluctant to answer the question, in regards to career: What do you want to do? My hesitation stems from not wanting to limit myself. Former Coca-Cola CEO, Doug Ivester once said “Never let your memories be greater than your dreams”. I interpreted this as a suggestion that we were limited by dreams; that life shouldn’t exceed what one might dream. I would prefer that my memories exceed my dreams. I would prefer that my next position – my next career move – exceeds any expectation I may have for it. I don’t want to limit myself in a cover letter or the answer to a question, because what I want to do isn’t as simple as the question implies.

What I do what is to be constantly learning; and growing; and gaining responsibility. I want to be changing with the times and always on the forefront of what is new, upcoming and the ‘next big thing’. I want to grow my strengths; self-management, leadership, analysis, a love for social media, writing, communication, outreach, and creativity, while building on my understanding of people and what will engage and delight the public (and what will fall flat).

I want to challenge my weaknesses by seeing them as a potential for growth. I have spent the past four (plus) years after graduate school managing an entire marketing communications department. While I understand that some see multi-tasking as a possible weakness, I know it a strength: a focus and a drive and a challenge to be won. It has helped the company survive a recession and grow business back again in a niche market where a small company is easily forgotten. In my many accomplishments at my first full-time position out of graduate school, I have found myself filling a multitude of rolls, as opposed to one specific function. I have no doubt in my work, professionalism or work ethic, but I fear that my qualifications on paper do not elucidate my full capabilities. 

I fear the lack of one specific marketing or communications focus will be viewed as a potential weakness, but I disagree. I know it it as breadth and I hope to take this breadth and transform it into my next step’s strength. I spent four years running a company’s marketing, communication and graphic arts department to build my resume and to know that my confidence in my work is validated, while prepare myself for a fulfilling career. And while I didn't find the answer to the ever-looming question in these for years – not the one that people expect, at least – I can say what I want to do is be successful. I want to continue to proudly take full responsibility for my work. I want to be an integral part of a company. I want to work with the public and understand its stakeholders, while opening the lines of communication. I want to be multi-tasking every day; always busy; always efficient; always with the same standard of quality work. I want to work I an industry that interests me and fuels a passion. I want to fall in love with what I do. 

I want to be open to any position that offers me these opportunities. The world of communication is too broad and ever-changing to pigeon-hole myself into a position with a simple answer - or view a breathe of experience as anything but a strength. It is ever changing and I am ever-understanding of those changes. I want my career and professional desire to reflect that. 

I know, given the opportunity at the right company that I will be amazing (and modest).  I will be the indispensible link that has been missing – or may have just needed replacing. My work ethic itching for the next step and my mind seeking my next great challenge,  I look forward to speaking with you about the communication needs at your company. I hope that you agree that my education, professional background, and, most importantly, enthusiasm, make me the perfect candidate for the position of ----. You will not be disappointed. Thank you for your time. Sincerely, [me] 

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Vincent C. Whiplash

I have had this thought for a very long time now, as, while living on The Hill, the ex and I used to put the TV on mute during DC city council meetings and mock conversations - because, I'm sure people do that all the time. Mr. Gray and Mr. Graham - yes he always wears a bow tie - were favorites of ours: I favored playing Councilmember Graham, who we decided had to be Councilmember Gray's arch-nemesis...cause the man just looked like he was up to no good (and clearly Mr. Graham is a bow-tied angel). And then I realized why, so I finally created this:

Seriously though, I can't be the only one that sees this...right?