Friday, December 18, 2009

Thundercatsnow Shines Light on AirTran Classism

Earlier I was rearranging travel for my boss due to delays due to the pending "Thundersnow" in DC. My prediction? 4 to 6 inches, tops. I think it's too much hoopla; talk to me when there's three feet (like the blizzard of '93 where my sisters and I dug snow tunnels. Fun!) and I'll be interested.  I'm really only impressed with the "10 to 20 inches" (yea right) of "thundersnow" if it sounds like this:

Anywho, so there's that. So I work my magic to rearrange around the flight delays and get an email from AirTran with a "Fly vs No Fly" PDF attached. I have no clue what this is, so I open it out of my toddler-like curiosity to discover this (click to enlarge):

Really, AirTran? You're requiring a dress code for people to fly on your planes? This seems completely inappropriate and totally unnecessary. Evidently they don't want their passengers to be comfortable while flying. Are they trying to make themselves the high class airline? Sort of the wrong economy for that strategy, don't you think? Their marketing team should be fired. Also, it seems quite torn clothes? "Business casual" shoes? No sleeveless shirts or visible tattoos? And your little flyer there, slightly racist. I had more of a selection for what I could wear in high school.

Well, there goes that face tattoo I was planning on getting...

Now, more about this Thundercatsnow...

[Edit: The dress code is for AirTran friends and family - I stand by its rediculousness. And why did I receive it?]


MrsAv8r said...

As your edit notes, these guidelines are provided for Airtran employees and their pass eligible dependents. The reason that they require employees to dress in business casual attire is that they are flying for FREE. The only payment that is requested of them to fly anywhere in the country they want, is to dress appropriately so that if the only available seats are in business class they may be seated there. All passengers have the option of purchasing a full-fare ticket and wearing what they choose. Personally, I feel that it is worth $300 to dress in business attire and fly for free, but maybe that's just me.

Unknown said...

về, tu vi tăng lên nhanh hơn so với việc tu luyện ở môn phái rất nhiều.

Dù sao thì chiến trường ngoại vực có linh khí rất nồng hậu lại phải

luôn đối mặt với sinh tử nên tu vi hiển nhiên tăng lên một cách nhanh


Cơ bản, mỗi lần kết thúc, cũng có người kết đan thành công. Điểm đó cũng

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tử vẫn đến đây.

Lúc này, ở góc đông bắc của chiến trường ngoại vực, có một thanh niên

với khuôn mặt trắng bệnh, đang ở bên cạnh một cái thi thể, dùng một con

dao mà bới móc. Nếu nhìn kỹ có thể phát hiện người đó chỉ chọn một số vị

trí xung quanh cái áo giáo trên cái xác mà xuống đao. Hiển nhiên là rất

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trung tâm kế toán tại hoàng mai

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dịch vụ báo cáo tài chính
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trung tâm kế toán tại quảng ninh
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học kế toán tại hà đông

Bộ áo giáp đó có rất nhiều tổn hại. Có nhiều vị trí còn dấu vết bị lửa

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